To His daughters


Today this blog is specifically for Christian women. Usually when I write it could be read by anyone, not today.

God is trying to get people’s attention, in fact He has never ceased to try. People are busy, overwelmed, worried, frightened and not listening. That doesn’t stop God.

My heart has been so heavy for the past two days, but this morning I feel like I have something heavy on my chest. If you live in Australia, you will notice a debate going on about marriage. The pros and then cons – the for and the against. Emotions are high, words spoken in haste. Social media is overflowing with opinions.

I have so wanted to write something on this and I have had enough words going around my head over the past weeks to be able to fill an encyclopedia a few times over. Every time I started a sentence on this subject, it went nowhere. Nothing flowed, words were stumbling over each other without structure. The words in my brain would not come out.

Finally, I sat and talked to God about this stuff swirling through my head.

Was I to write? “No.”

Was I to put forward what was in my head? “No, I have other people doing that.”

“Mmmm… ok Father God… what then?”

“Speak to my daughters…” came the reply. “Tell them I am God and there is no other.”

“Say to them…”

“Put your whole trust in Me, rely on Me for your help. Trust in Me for your future. Learn to rest. Rest in the rest I give to you. Allow my strength to give you strength.”

I have a sense of a vice, slowly winding in. Tightening slowly. My heart is still heavy.

My mind flickered back to scriptures in Isaiah. I opened my bible. There it is… Isaiah 43:11-12a (AMP)


“I, [only] I, am the Lord, and there is no Saviour besides Me.

“I have declared [the future] and saved [the nation] and proclaimed [that I am God]…”


God is God, He our Saviour, our future, our salvation and He never lies. He alone is Lord. FULL STOP!

Today, the nation He speaks about is not a physical nation, but His people. If He is not our God, our salvation and our future, then what is He to us?

Lean on Him, learn to lean well. Trust in Him only, and don’t let go.

Don’t look around you, look at Him. The world will continue to decay.

He is trustworthy, and He saves well.

There is nothing more that I want to add to this. The heaviness is gone, it has lifted. Our God is good – love Him and know Him.

Be blessed as you seek Him.