They say that a change is as good as a holiday. Winston Churchill was reported as saying that “ a change is as good as a rest”.
I find that around the end of a year, most people are talking about facing a new year with the hope of some type of change in either their circumstances or life. The old year is about to past over into a new one.
For most people, they are looking at new year’s resolutions, maybe a renewed desire for something different, or returning to something that once was better than the life they live now. Either situation brings a sense of hope that this one change, will bring the happiness that they hope will come.
Whether the resolution or change is a 5 degree deviation or a 180 degree about face, people hope that this will make the difference.
This year has been a difficult year for several people that I know. On Facebook, there are a lot of people that have expressed relief that this year is nearly over. I have a few close friends who have experienced personal heartache and difficulties over this year.
The ability to be able to change something in our lives gives us a very satisfying feeling of new beginnings. Even the thought of change brings about the prospect of endless possibilities.
The chance of “burning bridges behind you” to leave behind the past mistakes and failures, gives giddy thoughts of new beginnings. All the while we soldier forward, hoping that the past never crosses the river without the bridge in place.
Everyone looks for a change, everyone wants rest from something. What most people forget is this – sometimes the only thing that needs the change is the change in their heart. Is it possible that this is the only change and resolution that needs to happen?
It takes very little to realise that a resolution or new city has one same thing – that heart goes with them to the new scenario. It goes with them into the new year and continues to make decisions for them regardless of the new resolution.
I have had people say that they are giving up on God, on their spouse, on life or on a fight. They forget that their own heart goes on with them into the next change.
If the heart has not changed; if the attitudes are still the same; if we haven’t learnt from our old mistakes, then nothing is new.
Change is good… rest is good. But it will not be a true change and a true rest, if your heart has not changed.
When the Israelite people went into the desert, after leaving Egypt, they anticipated change. They walked away from slavery and tyranny, but because their heart had not been renewed, they brought their old life into the new. God wanted to change that, to show them He was real and that He loved them. He also wanted a changed heart, a different spirit. They just wanted new land without a new heart.
Can I challenge you as the new year starts, to ask God for a new heart? One that is open to His leading a direction. Ask God for the strength to fight, to stay, to change and ask Him to help you face the new year with one thing – a new heart for God.
Remember that a change is a s good a rest. God’s rest is better than a human rest…it settles our restless and wondering soul. The change that God makes, is good.
I too have faced an…um… interesting year. I am yet to face a few difficulties that are up ahead and it will be a few months before we see the backside of them. My hope for a change is not about to come with a new year starting. I have faced the end of this year physically exhausted and emotionally weary.
At the moment, I am taking time to rest every day until I the future complications are less. I am leaning on God and leaning into Him for the strength that I need, daily. I am thankful that He has given so much so that when I am able to look back, I know that in this time God has changed my heart. This change has caused me become…well… more. I know that if this new year turns out the same or worse than last year… I am ok with that.
The new, is every morning. For me, I don’t have to wait for a new year. Every morning has its own beginning. Not only can I have a change that is new, my mornings are a time for the “new”. For this I am grateful.
My favourite verse of scripture is this –
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”
The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.
So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.
Lamentations 3:23-26 (NLT)
My prayer for you is this – May God strengthen you in your inner being and give you the desire to change. May this change give you the rest you so desire. May God bless you in the new coming year and pour our His love into your heart. God Bless you in every new morning.
Happy New Year to each and every one of you.
“May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favour and give you his peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)