A bowl full of reflections
This morning I started to take down the Christmas tree, as per our usual tradition on New Year’s Day, as the heat of the day warmed the house. I took a wooden bowl from the kitchen table to put the brightly coloured decorations in, and it soon filled to almost overflowing. As I placed the last decoration into the bowl, I saw a reflection of myself in the shiny red surface. Suddenly, I realised that I could see lots of reflections. The reflections of myself, other objects in the room and my eldest who had walked up behind me. Not only did this bowl full of reflections, reveal the outer self, it also revealed a bit of my heart this morning…actually, revealing my heart for the past month.
I felt suddenly that the Lord moved closer and His Spirit ministered to me. The Lord had never left, neither had he ever stopped ministering to me, it was just that I needed something more right now…
I have been in a reflective mood for the past month.
This morning, I reflected on life, my marriage, my children, my friends, my God. I reflected on joys, loves, heartaches, and sorrows. I reflected on my achievements, friendships, ministry, and family. I took time to admit failures, mistakes, sin… and acknowledge the grief that still sits heavily from the recent death of loved ones and dear friends.
There were some things I could look at but not stay reflecting on too long.
I sighed as I looked at the bowl. Some of the balls reflected because of the shiny surface and some did not, as the surface had matte finish. Yes… some things were worth the reflection and other things just needed to be acknowledged. I had spent the morning is deep reflection and I could do no more…the bowl was full.
I placed the bowl onto the table and walked away. Now was time to hand it all to the God of my past, my present, and my future – my Heavenly Father.
Every new day is a ability for my Father to create in me a new things. Every new year is the ability for my Father to create a new future in Him. Relying on Him and drawing into Him.
Right now, I sense His Spirit wash over me and I am grateful for the “new”. My bowl full of reflections are now in the hands of Almighty God- He knows what to do with them.
I pray that you too will place your past year in God’s hand today and thank Him for new days.
Be blessed.
Number 6:24-26
The Lord bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you];
The Lord make His face shine upon you [with favor],
And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness];
The Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval],
And give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].’ (AMP Version)
My prayer for you is that you will draw near to the One who knows and loves you, your Heavenly Father and Almighty God.
In Him is freedom, love and joy. In Him is strength for trials, hope in life and a future in eternity. Only He gives salvation, forgiveness, and acceptance through the work that His Son, Jesus Christ, did on the cross at Calvary.
I pray that this new year will bring a love for God, a desire to be near Him and blessings that come from knowing and living for Him.