The past few weeks I have been reading a book called, “The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom.”. This book has caught my attention and I have found it hard to put it down as I read the pages, often having to go back a reread the words just in case I had read it wrong.
The Prodigal Daughter by Elizabeth Moldovan is a book that is raw, honest and refreshingly open in the testimony shared on the white pages of the book. It often seems unrealistic for a person like myself who has never been confronted or overwhelmed by an addiction in my own life, yet for those in the grip of such death would only understand too well the cry echoed in the pages of this book. The downward spiral stopped by the outstretched hand of a merciful and loving God bringing life to a broken body, soul and spirit can only be seen as a miracle.
Elizabeth Moldovan shares her pain, her past and her present, allowing the reader to see the power of God in setting the captives free.
In one part of the book I held my hand to my chest and cried as I read these words –
“I was so lost and broken and raw. I looked in the mirror and the reflection showed my skin bleeding, my teeth decayed and missing, my face gaunt and my hair falling out. My feet were bleeding and my eyes were all bloodshot and zoned out and something deep down inside my soul said, ‘Enough!’ I grabbed the scissors and cut all my hair off. I cut it so quickly, as though in a frenzy, that I nearly sliced my ear off. My soul was in so much pain that I needed to show the world how much I was hurting.” (Italics edited by blog author)
Satan would always seek to destroy, but God comes to give life. Elizabeth speaks of this as God drew her closer and away from death –
“The devil wants to steal, kill and destroy THE IMAGE of GOD in us and he very nearly did to me. We are all born to reflect THE GLORY of GOD. We are NOT designed by GOD to be addicts and no one is born an addict. The devil is a liar and deceiver.”
Her testimony speaks for itself on the love that God has for each of us and His mercy and as He brought her through the final stages of addiction she shares this _
“GOD is FAITHFUL, JESUS is REAL and ALIVE and HIS POWERFUL HOLY SPIRIT lives in all who accept and believe in THE CROSS. ‘AMAZING GRACE how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see’.” (3)
I have never personally met “Liz”, but I have chatted with her via Messenger and on Facebook. In this book I have met her life experiences and past, and really look forward to the day when I can meet her face to face in person.
This is a testimony of painful life lessons, sheer grit, courage and the power of God. I would recommend that you get this book and read it. Thank you, Liz, for the courage to share your story and your desire to reach others with the truth about addictions.
- Moldovan, Elizabeth. The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom (Kindle Locations 2596-2599). Ark House Press. Kindle Edition. Used with permission
- Moldovan, Elizabeth. The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom (Kindle Locations 2889-2891). Ark House Press. Kindle Edition. Used with permission
- Moldovan, Elizabeth. The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom (Kindle Locations 3046-3048). Ark House Press. Kindle Edition. Used with permission