The Prodigal Daughter



The past few weeks I have been reading a book called, “The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom.”. This book has caught my attention and I have found it hard to put it down as I read the pages, often having to go back a reread the words just in case I had read it wrong.

The Prodigal Daughter by Elizabeth Moldovan is  a book that is raw, honest and refreshingly open in the testimony shared on the white pages of the book. It often seems unrealistic for a person like myself who has never been confronted or overwhelmed by an addiction in my own life, yet for those in the grip of such death would only understand too well the cry echoed in the pages of this book. The downward spiral stopped by the outstretched hand of a merciful and loving God bringing life to a broken body, soul and spirit can only be seen as a miracle.

Elizabeth Moldovan shares her pain, her past and her present, allowing the reader to see the power of God in setting the captives free.

In one part of the book I held my hand to my chest and cried as I read these words –

“I was so lost and broken and raw. I looked in the mirror and the reflection showed my skin bleeding, my teeth decayed and missing, my face gaunt and my hair falling out. My feet were bleeding and my eyes were all bloodshot and zoned out and something deep down inside my soul said, ‘Enough!’ I grabbed the scissors and cut all my hair off. I cut it so quickly, as though in a frenzy, that I nearly sliced my ear off. My soul was in so much pain that I needed to show the world how much I was hurting.” (Italics edited by blog author)

Satan would always seek to destroy, but God comes to give life. Elizabeth speaks of this as God drew her closer and away from death –

“The devil wants to steal, kill and destroy THE IMAGE of GOD in us and he very nearly did to me. We are all born to reflect THE GLORY of GOD. We are NOT designed by GOD to be addicts and no one is born an addict. The devil is a liar and deceiver.”

Her testimony speaks for itself on the love that God has for each of us and His mercy and as He brought her through the final stages of addiction she shares this _

“GOD is FAITHFUL, JESUS is REAL and ALIVE and HIS POWERFUL HOLY SPIRIT lives in all who accept and believe in THE CROSS. ‘AMAZING GRACE how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see’.” (3)

I have never personally met “Liz”, but I have chatted with her via Messenger and on Facebook. In this book I have met her life experiences and past, and really look forward to the day when I can meet her face to face in person.

This is a testimony of painful life lessons, sheer grit, courage and the power of God. I would recommend that you get this book and read it. Thank you, Liz, for the courage to share your story and your desire to reach others with the truth about addictions.




  1. Moldovan, Elizabeth. The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom (Kindle Locations 2596-2599). Ark House Press. Kindle Edition. Used with permission


  1. Moldovan, Elizabeth. The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom (Kindle Locations 2889-2891). Ark House Press. Kindle Edition. Used with permission



  1. Moldovan, Elizabeth. The Prodigal Daughter: My road from addiction to freedom (Kindle Locations 3046-3048). Ark House Press. Kindle Edition. Used with permission



Peace on earth


“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14


At Christmas time, you see the word “peace” written a lot. It is written on cards, you see it in shopping centres and in the community. It is often the time when people talk about peace in this world ..or the lack of.


Is peace just one thing, or it is many things to many people?


Ask those in war torn areas of the world – they would say that peace is the absences of war, the ability to have freedoms that should be the right of every human on the face of this earth.


As a businessman/woman – they would say that peace is the stock market steady and income coming in. They would also say that peace is happy customers and happy staff.


Ask a man or a father – they may say that peace is sitting quietly with no interruptions, or pottering in the shed with their own thoughts. They could also say that a having a happy wife is peace.


Ask a mum or a woman – they may say that peace is when the children are asleep of a night. Or when the house is clean and tidy and there is some quiet “me time”. They might also say that when hubby and children are fed, then peace reigns.


Ask a teenager what is peace – They may say that it is when they can stay in their room and not get annoyed by younger siblings, parents, teachers …or life.


Ask what peace is to those that protest for the rights of others – they would say that having rights is peace, or the removal of dictatorial governments, or even the rights of animals will bring order and peace.


Is this the peace of Christmas?


Is peace so temporary that we think of it so elusively? Is this the peace that God offered to us?


“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14


Isaiah in his prophecy about Jesus referred to the coming Messiah as the “Prince of Peace”. Isaiah 9:6


So, what is this peace all about.?


A lot of people think that if God were truly God then peace would be on this earth, that babies would not die and people would not suffer. I have met a lot of Christians who think that Christ came to make their own world better. That He came to make their world a more peaceful place to live. That God would miraculously change the world simply because there are now Christians on this earth. Is this how we really think?


Why would God send His Son and not change the world? Why wouldn’t a God of peace cause peace to come to an unpeaceful world?


The peace we often seek is both self-serving and external. It is peace at all costs and superficial. It is a peace based on ideal circumstances and people. This is not peace. Peace that only reigns at Christmas is not peace. It is only a temporary ceasefire in a war that continues.


Is this the peace that is the awesome promise of an Almighty and loving God? I think not. God never intended that His Son should come, live and die for so little.


This world is becoming worse, not better. People love war and fighting, especially if it is to get what we think is best. Even in Jesus day they hated Him. They despised what He was trying to do – to tell others that God was not the God of that world and that God did truly love the world. Jesus was the testimony of that.


Later, the disciples told the world that Jesus had come to bring life and peace to the hearts of man. They hated them too.


This world is made up of hatred, greed, sin, and sorrow. Did God mean for this world to be so hard on the very concept of peace?


All that God did for us by sending His Son to this earth as a babe, was to give to each one of us a peace of heart that is will us no matter what is around us. It is the “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) You cannot explain it, you can’t bottle it and drink it when needed and it is seen in it’s true light during the hardest times in our lives.


Yet there is this. If every man, woman, and child on this earth had the true peace of God within them, loved others and loved God in humility and obediance… then peace would truly be on this earth. Isn’t that the good tidings that Christ’s birth announced?


Peace could come to you and me… in our hearts. Deep down inside us. And from this should flow out to others around us. Not seeking to change them, but being a light and a movement and a change for the better in a world that does not seek peace.


Religions says go and find peace and there you will find God. God says come to me and I will give you peace.

I have been through some battles and still have many to go. The peace that I have had during those times can only be of God. Just like being in the boat with Jesus the disciples learnt that they could trust the Master. I am learning that the peace that God brings sometimes requires me to trust Him until He stills the storm, or to hang on to Him if He doesn’t.


Peace should not only be for after the storm, but in the storm. This is the promise of God.


The tiny babe of Christmas, Jesus Christ, was to allow the hearts of man to have peace not influenced by circumstances, not because of where I live, not because of the “I-am-better-then-you-therefore-I-have-more”. It is not conditional, cannot be bought and cannot be sold.


God gave His best, so that we could have the peace that we really crave.


There are so many wonderful scriptures in the bible that tell us what peace is…even peace with our neighbours. Peace is a good subject, even when it is not Christmas. It is even a better if we have peace with others and with God.


There was a little ditty I read once – “Know God, know peace. No God, no peace.”


I have heard so many testimonies on this very subject of peace, a peace that is far above our own understanding or eyesight. If you tried to explain it, people have trouble understanding it. My testimony is the same. God is good.


This week I have watched as a very dear friend grieve as her child passed into eternity. My heartreached out for her during this time and I watched her, praying. At first there was a broken-hearted mother, then came moments of tears, then came a serenity and steadfastness…all in a matter of 24 hours. But never, in any of that time, was there not a peace in her heart that radiated from the very depths of her being even through the tears. This is God within her and surrounding her. His peace that comes despite the storm.


God gives peace when your marriage falls apart, God gives peace when someone close to you leaves this world, God gives peace when people accuse you and tell lies against you, God gives you peace when everything seems to go wrong.


God gives peace, He is peace. God sent His Son to bring the peace that so lacks in the heart of mankind. The very heart of man that longs for its Creator. It is peace beyond the understanding of our mind and the sight of our eyes. Do you believe? Then ask for it and accept it.


My prayer for you this Christmas is this. That the peace of God may be given to you in your hearts and that God would strengthen you in your inner being.


Be blessed.




If you don’t know this Jesus of our Christmas, and would like to, then say this prayer –


“Jesus, I don’t know you, but you know me. I am sorry for the way I have lived my life and I cannot do this anymore. I give you my life, forgive me for my sins and take them from me. Thank you for saving me, thank you for the change you will make in my heart. Bring your peace and joy to me and make yourself known to me. Thank you. Amen”


Please go and get a Holy Bible and read it, start with an NIV version or a NLT version (as these are easy to read). Start it by reading about Jesus, can I encourage you to start with the book of Luke in the bible and the book of Psalms. Start to find a church family where you feel comfortable and that teaches the Word of God. Ask God to show you where to go.



Interesting (adj) – “arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention”


Life can be interesting. My friends that know me well, know that when I use the word “interesting”, it is because I cannot necessarily think of another word to describe it…and sometimes it suits what I am trying to describe just perfectly.

My youngest son lives life to the fullest, there is no easy going with him. He is also very interesting. His “interesting” life causes much fun, chaos, and memorable moments within our home, family life and all the he is involved with. He is audacious, cheeky and, ohhh… so full of life.

My weeks lately are… well…interesting. Especially this week. At the moment I am typing this as I sit beside my younger son as he lies in hospital after an operation. The previous morning I knew something wasn’t right, and we soon had evidence proved this to be true. It was then a rushed trip to the nearest large hospital last night late (a two-and-a-half-hour drive) to speak to the surgeons.  It was then necessary to operate as soon as they were able today to save his finger.

At the moment he lies quietly, something that you rarely get to witness. He will awake soon from the effects of the anaesthetic. It is most likely that he will be hungry first and then asking questions next. Very soon, he will be wriggling around and complaining that he is bored and asking when he can go home.  Then he will be ready for the next misadventure that comes his way. And most mums of 13-year-old boys would know that is not always….um…safe.

I would have it no other way. I would never want him to be anything that he is supposed to be. He reminds me of his biblical namesake – Joshua.

Joshua, in the bible, was a man that from his youth was Moses assistant (Numbers 11:28). After Moses left the tent after meeting God face to face, Joshua would remain behind (Ex 33:11) He wasn’t afraid to stand up in faith despite the fact that the whole community wanted to stone him. (Numbers 14) Joshua, after Moses’ death, lead the people of God into the Promised Land.

Now that is an interesting man.

I want to be an interesting person. I want to be the type of person that people find it hard to describe me. I want my life to reflect God, to be faithful and to be interesting.

This world does not comprehend faithful people of God, and I am not talking about radical legalists. I am talking about genuine loving, humble, faithful, bold and courageous people of God. Peter in his letter to Christians in around 60AD, wrote these words –

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1Peter 2:9 NIV

Yes, we are meant to be interesting people.

Not only do I want to be interesting, but I want others to be so too. Not just my children, but the ladies in my bible study, the women in my church, other Christian women, and all Christian everywhere.

I want Christians be the type of people that when others try to describe you and your faith, they say – “I don’t know about that person, but they are interesting. I want to be interesting too. Tell me about your interesting God”

Be interesting people. Ask God what that is and what that look s like. Ask Him to make you interesting, like Joshua of the bible. Read the bible, His word. It keeps your heart and mind connected to our very interesting God and Saviour.


Be blessed.